Tuesday, January 29, 2019


If you won't excommunicate this turd, then I no longer have any reason to take you seriously.

UPDATE: Cardinal Dolan says excommunication is off the table.  If not now, when, Tim?  When New York amends its law to say that it's okay to kill them five days after they're born?

UPDATE: Because, Eminence, they know it's not going to cost them anything.


  1. I was thinking of criticizing your use of that epithet, but then I clicked on it, saw who it was, and of course have to agree. Worst a****** in this country's public life.

  2. I don't know if he's the worst, but he's running with the pack which includes some senators and representatives.

    When the Catholic Church won't excommunicate people who publicly advocate infanticide, it undercuts its claim to universal apostolic authority. Its failure affects all Christianity negatively.

  3. Right! If a politician wants to put what he believes is public interest ahead of Church teaching, fine. But he has no right to think excommunication should not apply to him. Only if the Church gives him a pass. And if the Church wants to give him a pass, she has no right to excommunicate anyone.

  4. I wonder if Cuomo even attends Mass. If he does, the church should refuse him communion.
