Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Kammi gets her dictatorial freak on.

In what CNN called the first major prime time event of the 2020 presidential election, Senator Kamala Harris swung for the fences and consistently pulled the ball to left field. While others are testing the waters, Harris jumped into the deep end of the pool with a town hall in Iowa moderated by Jake Tapper. What became clear almost instantly is that Harris is planting her flag on the Democratic Party’s left wing, in a position where, at least from that side, she cannot be outflanked.

Yeah, that'll play in, like, nowhere that matters.

Recently, one of Harris’s likely opponents, Bernie Sanders, noted that the Democrats have moved farther to the left in the last two years than he could have imagined or hoped for. This was on full display in the a la carte menu of progressive goodies Harris promised in Iowa last night.

If you like your doctor, you won't be able to keep your doctor.

Old and busted for example is keeping your health insurance plan if you like it. The new hotness is Medicare for all. She told Tapper, “Who among us has not had that situation? Where you got to wait for approval, and the doctor says, ‘Well I don’t know if your insurance company is going to cover this.’ Let’s eliminate all of that. Let’s move on.” Apparently moving on means a single-payer system that even a few years ago would have been a bridge too far for most Democrats.

Or anything else.

But the queen of the ban was just getting starting. Along with banning private health insurance, Harris also wants to ban for-profit colleges, assault weapons, fossil fuels, personal cars, and presumably members of the Knights of Columbus serving as federal judges. It’s quite a list, and a sign of the times in the party of Jefferson and Jackson.

Run with that, Dems.  It'll sell in Flyover Country.  Trust me. 


  1. Well, it'll sell in some places, mostly large Democrat-run cities.

    I hate to tell her this, but Medicare recipients pay for the coverage, plus a Medigap policy and drug coverage if wanted. Plus, instead of dealing with a private insurance company we deal with an inflexible government bureaucracy which decides what people our ages "need" instead of our doctors making those decisions. So far, we haven't been denied anything really needed, but then, we haven't been very sick. Yet.

    Polls, for that they're worth, show people like the "Medicare for all" idea until they hear about how much it's going to cost.

  2. Kammie? I thought her name is Kalamata. You know, Popeye's second girlfriend.
