Sunday, February 3, 2019


Some turd named Corbin Smith has a post up at Tina Brown's Complete Waste Of Time that is literally one of stupidest things I've ever seen anywhere.  I'm not going to quote from it because each paragraph will rob you of ten IQ points that you'll never get back so read it at your own risk (language warning).  But if you want a quick summary, the mentally-challenged Smith thinks that present-day New England and early 60's Mississippi are basically the same thing.

1 comment:

  1. An idiot indeed. Does he think the Boston area is the only place north of the Mason-Dixon line where there used to be racism? When he wandered off into vicious talk about the kid from Kentucky who did nothing wrong and a lot right in DC a couple of weeks ago, he revealed the depths of his idiocy and bigotry.

    I'm sure once the game is over TLM will be here to let us know what she thinks.

    Plus, I saw a tweet today on Kurt Schlicter's feed saying that the owner of the LA Rams gave money to Trump as well, so this game will be a lose-lose for libs.
