Saturday, February 2, 2019


Virginia governor and infanticide enthusiast Ralph Northam is in trouble again.  Here is his profile page from the Eastern Virginia Medical School yearbook.

And here's how Dr. Mengele tried to explain himself.

Yesterday I took responsibility for content that appeared on my page in the Eastern Virginia Medical School yearbook that was clearly racist and offensive.

Actually you didn't but more on that shortly.

I am not and will not excuse the content of the photo. It was offensive, racist, and despicable. When my staff showed me the photo in question yesterday, I was seeing it for the first time. I did not purchase the EVMS yearbook and I was unaware of what was on my page.

I've got no idea how that picture got there.

When I was confronted with the images yesterday, I was appalled that they appeared on my page.

By the way, that's not me.

But I believed then and now that I am not either of the people in that photo.

"Then and now," Governor?  Really?  You just got done saying that you didn't originally purchase the book, you were unaware of what was on your page and you only recently saw that picture for the first time.  Sounds a smidge contradictory, Governor.

The photo appears with others I submitted, on a page with my name on it.

Hang on.  Back then, you submitted a picture that you just got done claiming that you only recently saw? And are you claiming that you contributed a picture of a guy in blackface and another guy in a Klan costume?  Because that sounds like you're lying, Governor.

Even in my own statement yesterday, I conceded that, based on the evidence presented to me at the time, the most likely explanation, that it was indeed me in the photo.

So you admit that it's you?  Not at all.

In the hours since I made my statement yesterday, I reflected with my family and classmates from the time and affirmed my conclusion that I am not the person in that photo.

Why do you think that?  Obviously, people are confusing this with that time I appeared in blackface in a dance contest in San Antonio.

But in addition to denying that he’s in the photo, the governor admitted, “I did participate in a dance contest in San Antonio in which I darkened my face as part of a Michael Jackson costume.”

Sounds plausible.

If there was ever a more disastrous political press conference than this one, I can't for the life of me think of what that could be.  Which may be why Democrat after Democrat is running for the tall grass, demanding that Northam resign.  Hell, even Planned Parenthood, for God's sake, wants Northam to hit the bricks and he's basically Murder Inc.'s perfect politician.

Which also brings up a couple of questions.  Some Democrat might say something to the effect that the lion's share of the left wants Northam out yesterday but you Republicans stood up for Brett Kavanaugh almost to a man.  Aren't you the hypocrites here?

Not at all.  Because our hypothetical Democrat is comparing apples and oranges or Michael Avenatti and a competent lawyer or CNN and what's left of actual American journalism.  Since the American legal standard is and has always been "proof beyond a reasonable doubt," there was absolutely no basis for the charges against Kavanaugh. 

The proof against Northam is sitting at the top of this post.

Another question.  When are we going to stop pronouncing anathema on people for really stupid stuff they did when they were young, drunk, stupid or all three?  In an ideal world, we never would have started.  But the Democrats changed that rule a long time ago and are now going to have to live with the consequences of their greed.

What goes around, comes around. You made your bed, you lie in it. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  Take up the sword, perish by the sword. 

You know the rest.

Besides, some stupidities permanently destroy no matter how sorry you claim to be.  Post your fiancée's sexual proclivities on the Internet along with lots of jokes and winking emojis and your wedding's never going to happen. 

If your black friend ever finds a picture of you in blackface or learns that you regularly used to drop N-bombs when you were a kid, your friendship is over.  Likewise, your Jewish friend had better never see the picture of that Halloween when you dressed up as an SS officer complete with death's-head pin and swastika arm band, extending your right arm in front of you at a 45-degree angle, or he or she will never talk to you again.

Plaintively claiming that you were "young, drunk, stupid or all three" won't fix it.

Is that reasonable?  Kids will be kids?  Don't look at me, I'm neither a woman nor black nor Jewish.  But people claim to be "offended" by just about everything these days.  That they do and that's nothing more than a leftist political tactic.  And there is a GIGANTIC difference between what leftist people consider offensive and trivializing personal betrayal, racism or genocide.

Anyway, as of now, Dr. Mengele intends to stick it out.

UPDATE: From The Washington Post.

The reporter who exposed Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s racist yearbook photo said a “concerned citizen” led him to the story that has prompted widespread outrage and calls for the Democrat’s resignation.

Patrick Howley, editor in chief of the website Big League Politics, first reported Friday the existence of a photo on Northam’s page of his medical school yearbook depicting a figure in blackface standing next to another person in a Ku Klux Klan hood.
“It’s very easy to explain,” Howley, 29, said in an interview Saturday. “A concerned citizen, not a political opponent, came to us and pointed this out. I was very offended [by the photo] because I don’t like racism.”
The tip came after Northam’s comments on Wednesday about late-term abortions, he said. Howley declined to give any further information about his source, citing a confidentiality agreement. But he said it took him just a few hours to confirm that the photo was authentic.
The source of the tip appears to have been a medical school classmate or classmates of Northam who acted as a direct result of the abortion controversy that erupted earlier in the week, according to two people at Big League Politics, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

UPDATE: Stolen valor?


  1. Sorry, but I disagree on this one. If we are unable to forgive what was a foolish prank done in poor taste by a foolish youngster, then what have we become? I am beginning to tire of all this"opposition research", invented by Democrats by the way. (Anybody here remember the guy caught in the basement of the White House during the Clinton administration who was collecting dirt on members of Congress?).

    What Northam did was not a crime, so the state has no dog in the fight. His life since has demonstrated that he is not informed by the silliness of his youth. As W said "When I was young & foolish, I did young & foolish things."

    Ralph, I did not vote for you, but hang in there. Republicans, shut the hell up. Democrats, go hang yourselves.

  2. By the by, does anyone know whose fingerprints are on this little expose? I wonder what they are up to?

  3. In general, this business of nailing people for stupidities from the distant past ought to stop. In this case, it's somewhat more satisfying since Northam accused Ed Gllespie of racism, without justification, in the 2017 campaign.

    The analogy to the Kavanaugh hearings is Dems trying to claim stupid teenage jokes about flatulence and drinking beer were really about gang rape. Nonsense. In Northam's yearbook, as you say, Chris, there's no question about the image. On the other hand, to my mind, the blackface is considerably less offensive than the Klan outfit. The Klan was the terrorist wing of the Democrat party. The image brings up terrorism and murder, like your SS costume analogy. Even in 1984 people knew this.

    I have seen a post saying that the Virginia constitution allows impeachment for malfeasance in office, which this old image isn't. If Northam hangs on it seems to me there's little anyone can do about it.

  4. Yeah, rebel, how did Big League Politics get this, and who's behind it? It's being used to avoid talking about Northam's dreadful abortion interview, so maybe it's a Democrat trying to take him out to kill the scandal about the murder of children which they advocate.

  5. I'd LOVE it if we weren't here, if this sort of thing never happened. But we're here, it does and that particular genie isn't going back into that particular bottle any time soon. If you're going to do oppo research to try and sink my guy, you have no right to complain if I do oppo research to try to sink your guy.

    Those are the rules of the game now. Should they be? Of course not. But they are and all American politicians everywhere had better get that fact through their thick heads.

    I think Katherine's idea that all this might be a Democratic operation to deflect attention away from Northram's infanticide advocacy makes a lot of sense. Frankly, I think it's the best explanation of this controversy that I've seen. I seriously doubt that the Republicans had anything to do with any of this since they're going to make sure that voters remember both of them. This smacks of a desperation move.

  6. Well, Big League Politics broke the story, and that's a newer conservative site. But somebody gave it to them, I imagine.

  7. Medical school classmate(s) upset about his infanticide comments. Good to know there are physicians who oppose murdering babies.

    I am blessed to have a granddaughter, born last May. My daughter had a very rough late pregnancy and delivered in a late-night C-section at 37 weeks. I saw a tweet showing an ad for a clinic in DC offering abortions to 36 weeks. Moloch must be so proud.

  8. Congratulations, Katherine. My sister's got her first grandkid on the way.

  9. Thanks, Chris! I hope all goes well for that new little one in your family.
