Monday, February 11, 2019


It's what's for dinner.

Freshman Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota is defending her controversial views on Israel as they come under scrutiny in Washington, telling CNN that "it's not surprising" her positions are generating attention and that she finds it "exciting" to be sparking debate.
"It's not surprising. I think it is actually exciting because we are finally able to have conversations that we weren't really willing to," Omar told CNN on Tuesday. "It is really important for us to get a different lens about what peace in that region could look like and the kind of difficult conversations we need to have about allies."
Omar along with Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, the first two Muslim women to serve in Congress, are indeed changing the conversation on Capitol Hill over the United States' long-standing relationship with Israel by speaking out critically against the Israeli government over its treatment of Palestinians.
Future Slate article: "Can We Please Get Over Our Irrational Fear Of The Swastika?"

UPDATE: At least Ilhan and Rashida have important allies.


  1. Oof. David Duke's support is really going to help. Will Democrats do anything about these ugly ideas coming from Omar? The new message is that Republicans will discipline members who are perceived to flirt with white supremacism, but Democrats won't exercise discipline over Jew-haters. On top of just about all their presidential candidates espousing an insane socialist "Green" proposal, they're writing Trump's campaign slogans for him.

  2. Surprise. House Democrat leadership calls for Omar to retract and apologize:

    I'll believe they mean it when they pull her committee assignments, as Republicans did to Rep. King. How is this woman allowed to continue on the House Foreign Relations committee? Her statements are considerably more off the edge than the one King was nailed for, which was quoted without the whole context. (I don't know if he really has come too close to endorsing white supremacism. I don't endorse it.)

  3. And what's Dukey a "doctor" of anyway? What piece of crap institution would ever give a "doctorate" to a moron who used to wear swastika armbands in public?

  4. I don't think I want to do an internet search to find out whether, or where, Duke got a PhD.

  5. Curiosity got me. I opened a private window and looked at Wikipedia. In 2005 Duke received a PhD in history from a flaky non-accredited university in Ukraine, which seems to be a center for anti-semitic weirdness in Ukraine. Not a degree to be taken seriously.
