Sunday, February 10, 2019


About damned time.

An attorney representing Nick Sandmann, the 16-year-old Covington Catholic High School student who was smeared as a bigot when he was, in fact, the victim, will be suing Nathan Phillips, the Native American activist who lied about his encounter with the teen.


  1. Why on Earth sue someone who is most likely penniless? Or, are we hoping to tap into GoFundMe?

    I have always understood that pettifoggers go after money, no necessarily justice.

  2. Phillips should be sued, and good for these lawyers. He deliberately lied about this young man on national TV. He's got no money to lose, but he will lose reputation. There are plenty of others with money who will make up the difference -- any maybe all this will make "news" media a bit more careful in the future.

    There are people who actually believed what Phillips said. He shouldn't get away with it.

  3. Phillips has no reputation to lose. Whatever reputation that has been lost is by a lazy press & punditry that did not bother to do their homework. I have no sympathy for any who would believe the likes of some drum-beating street person. To sue Phillips is bullying.

    It's going to cost the suing attorney more in filing the necessary paperwork than will ever be retrieved. Go after the press & opinion gas-bags. They should have known better & have the pockets to feel the error of their ways. I understand the targets include such as David Brooks. He should have known better.

  4. I doubt anyone will make any money from this. But maybe it will drive the point home that this sort of crap has a price and that price will be exacted in the future. Might make the press less lazily partisan.

    Or not.

  5. I'm on an email list, mostly as a silent lurker, which includes some luminaries in conservative religious circles. There was someone there who absolutely believed "Elder Phillips" and said the Covington kids were spoiled private school brats. Plus, Phillips is fund-raising in possibly illegal ways. Phillips has no reputation to lose with me, but there are others who still believe his hocus pocus. American Indians have enough troubles without a charlatan like Phillips distracting from real issues.

  6. Well, Phillips himself may not have any money, but someone is funding him. You recall that he has a history of these confrontations. He was one of the principal protesters at Dakota Access Pipeline. He allegedly lives in DC full time now. Where? DC is one of the highest real estate markets in the US. Plus, now he's set up a "teepee" on the Washington Mall - who's providing the food and other necessities for him, his "consort," Shoshana Konstant, and their two small children while they live there? Neither one of them has a job. He's most likely a paid (or reimbursed) protester and agitator. It would be interesting to see where the money comes from, and what the donors expect in return.

  7. OK, correction, Shoshona was his wife and she died some time ago. It's very hard to get factual info on this guy, as most of the reports about his are post-confrontation in January and full if mis-information. Sorry. I still think he's a paid trouble-maker.

  8. I think he's got a grown daughter who helps organize protests. She was at the Dakota pipeline protest. Yes, somebody is funding him, although he evidently lives as a semi-homeless person for the effect. Somebody is paying for a pad in Washington -- it's not luxurious, however.
