Friday, February 22, 2019


Your New England Patriots just won the Super Bowl.  Where are you going to go now?

Robert Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots, has been charged with soliciting prostitution, Florida police said Friday.

Kraft was one of at least 25 people arrested Friday as part of a months-long human trafficking investigation that police say spanned from China to Florida, Jupiter officials said.

Police say Kraft is facing misdemeanor charges on two counts of solicitation, and it seemed like he was "regular" at the spa. He is not charged with human trafficking.
Although police can't speak to the amount of time Kraft was at the Orchids of Asia Day Spa in Jupiter, they said average fees for services range between $59 for a half-hour and $79 for an hour.

Jupiter police said there is video evidence of the alleged acts for all individuals involved, including Kraft.

What does this mean?  Since I don't care about the NFL anymore, nothing to me.  A lot is already being made about the fact that this perv is a close friend of Donald Trump so Trump will have to deal with that.  Next season, the Patriots will also have to deal with the inevitable jokes and I don't imagine that Kraft will show his face at too many games, if any at all.

I can't wait to see the signs fans make for Patriot away games.  And it will be interesting to see how Rodge and the rest of the official Shield handles it.

UPDATE: Let's not have any of this.

UPDATE: Attention potential investors.


  1. Didn't we learn anything from the media's responses to the Nick Sandmann and Jussie Smollett news items? If he actually did solicit a prostitute, it's a misdemeanor in Florida.

    But, ...TRUUUUMP!

  2. The police said that there's film. But as I mentioned, I really don't care one way or the other (BRING ON THE XFL). It's just that if billionaires want to git sahm, they shouldn't have to hit massage parlors. All they should have to do is mail out party invitations.

  3. The question I would have is whether the women working there were doing so voluntarily, without coercion. I tend towards the view that so long as grown women are willingly doing this, that's life. The investigation presumably is finding out; I thought I read something or other about trafficking, which is another deal. Some big financial honcho was caught in this, too.

  4. If there was coercion involved here, Kraft is in a LOT deeper than he thinks he might be. And rightfully so.

  5. If you can't beat the Patriots on the field, then beat them off.
