Thursday, February 21, 2019


Jussie Smolett has no idea what the term "legal trouble" means.  Strap in.

A Florida mayor, who is suspected of practicing medicine without a license, was charged with two counts of attempted homicide Thursday after shooting at deputies who were serving a search warrant at his home, police said.

Dale Glen Massad, mayor of Port Richey, fired two rounds at Pasco County Sheriff SWAT team members after they announced themselves while approaching his house Thursday morning, said Sheriff Chris Nocco.

He said his office used the SWAT team to serve the warrant because Massad, 68, is a known drug-user and weapons-owner with a history of violence.

Let's see.  Mayor of Port Richey, Florida.  Practices medicine without a license.  Known drug user.  History of violence.  Opens up on a SWAT team.  Two counts of attempted murder.

Aside from wondering how this person got his job in the first place and how this unfortunate incident will affect his reelection chances, I've got nothing.  What is it with that state?

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