Thursday, February 21, 2019


Have you ever known somebody whose ass you wanted to kick on general, perhaps even unnamable, principles?  You may or may not know personally know them but you do know that your first reaction to the idea of actually encountering them is exactly where on his or her anatomy your fist will land first.

If you don't know anyone like that, I give you California Representative Eric Swalwell.

Couple things, Nancy boy.  If you think that's "snowing," that sound you hear is every single person in Flyover Country, from infants on up to the elderly, laughing their asses off at you.  Maybe your Callee friends will be impressed by the fact that you have a few snowflakes in your hair but trust me, nobody anywhere else in the country is, dingus.

Also, the insufferable public piety, the thanking God that you are not as other men are, is not a good look, Congressman.  Particularly when you take a selfie of yourself in the act of doing it.

You have your reward.

1 comment:

  1. Just read through the comments at the link, which seem to be running 9,000:1 that Swalwell is an idiot. Oh, and instead of parading around NYC, how about addressing some of the problems his constituents are facing? The word "homelessness" comes to mind.
