Thursday, February 21, 2019


It's the only way you'll ever get in front of a camera again.

Chicago's top police officer expressed anger and frustration Thursday over what he called Jussie Smollett's "shameful" attempt to fabricate a hate crime for a "publicity stunt." The "Empire" actor's story that he was attacked Jan. 29 by masked assailants who yelled racial and homophobic slurs, poured bleach on him and hung a rope around his neck unraveled when two of Smollett's  acquaintances, brothers Ola and Abel Osundairo, told investigators the actor paid them $3,500 to stage the attack, said Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson.

Johnson said Smollett, 36, choreographed the attack because he was dissatisfied with his salary. He castigated Smollett for putting the national spotlight on Chicago for something "that is both egregious and untrue," and said bogus police reports harm legitimate victims by wasting valuable police resources.

"When we discovered the actual motive, quite frankly, it pissed everybody off," Johnson said. He said police were treating Smollett like a victim until then.

Speaking on CBSN following the press conference in Chicago, CBS News correspondent Dean Reynolds said he's covered Johnson for several years, and has "seldom heard him as angry as he was today." 

"What he said was a mixture of contempt, disgust and basic anger," Reynolds said.

Seriously?  Who does stuff like this?  In what universe would anybody with a brain think that this was a good idea?  Smollett knew, or should have, that THE COPS WERE GOING TO INVESTIGATE THIS.  Right about now, teenaged girls everywhere are laughing their heads off. 

My heart genuinely goes out to all the lefties who were played by this tool.  And, Juss, if you're unsure of how to get started in the porn industry, Jim Rome used to say that all you need to do is to drive out to Chatsworth, California and lie down.

1 comment:

  1. The Chicago Police Superintendent displayed righteous anger, and I agree with him. Good show, sir, all around.
