Sunday, February 10, 2019


Comes around.

Justin E. Fairfax’s refusal to resign as lieutenant governor of Virginia in the face of two allegations of sexual assault has presented Democrats with an excruciating choice: whether to impeach an African-American leader at a moment when the state’s other two top leaders, both white, are resisting calls to quit after admitting to racist conduct.

Less than a week after Gov. Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark R. Herring said they wore blackface as young men, Mr. Fairfax on Friday faced a second assault accusation in three days. On Saturday night, Mr. Fairfax called on the F.B.I. to investigate the allegations, and asked that “no one rush to judgment” and for “due process.” But he is now under intense pressure to resign or face impeachment, transforming what had been a crisis for Virginia Democrats into a searing dilemma for the national party.
To be perfectly honest, I have to admit that I'm enjoying the hell out of this dumpster fire.  All we heard during the Clinton Administration was that Bubba strapping on the ol' presidential milking machine in the Oval Office was "just sex."
Guess what.  The meaning of the phrase "just sex" loses something every single time you use it.  Pretty much everything can and probably will eventually be "just sex" at some point.
Lefties?  You really have to draw a line somewhere.


  1. Why would the FBI investigate allegations against a state official? They haven't threatened him with violence.

  2. Just saw eminent lawyer John Yoo on Fox News saying what I think, which is that the FBI has no legal basis for getting involved in the Fairfax case at all. They were involved briefly in the Kavanaugh situation at the request of the Senate committee for a Senate confirmation hearing investigation. There's no warrant for FBI to investigate charges of misbehavior years ago by an elected official in Virginia.

  3. Why aren't the "metoo" people and the pink pussy hat people camped outside of his house. Oh yeah, he's a Democrat.

  4. I believe that, according to Virginia law, elected officials can be impeached only for offenses committed during their time in office. These accusations are old. If my information is correct, he's not going anywhere, and neither are the other two, and that's as it should be. We cannot tolerate the destruction of lives and reputations based on uncorroborated accusations of decades old offenses or equally old asinine behavior while in college. As much as I would love to see three Dems thrown out, it's not right.

    But none of the blackface/sexual assault brouhaha can hold a candle to the Governor's clearly stated support for infanticide, and no one's suggesting that should cost him his job. How is such a thing even possible?
