Monday, March 4, 2019


Allie High School is so stupid that it's starting to be adorable.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not completely ruling out Amazon coming back to New York if the process is done with community input, a top aide said.

“We welcome a process, we welcome having a community process, but I don’t know where the talks are at at this stage,” Saikat Chakrabarti, the New York congresswoman’s chief of staff, said on Bloomberg Television.

“What she was vocal about was the process by which it happened, the deal,” Chakrabarti said. “Amazon is the company that chose to step away from the negotiating table.”

Allie girl?  Let me see if I can somehow fire this through that thick, titanium skull you seem to have.  Fact is that NYC needs Amazon and those thousands of jobs it was going to provide one hell of a lot more than Amazon and those thousands of jobs it was going to provide needs NYC.

You've been getting a lot of crap about killing this deal, haven't you?  So now you're trying to walk things back?  How life works, Allie girl, is you don't get do-overs in these situations.

Suck it up and deal with it, comrade.


  1. "but I don’t know where the talks are at at this stage,” Saikat Chakrabarti, the New York congresswoman’s chief of staff.

    What that comment says quite clearly is how disengaged the congresswomen is from the goings on in her district. I will bet lunch money that her predecessor knew about & was engaged with Amazon. So, how the hell did she get elected? Makes you wonder what someone must have been up.

  2. This chief of staff is the guy now accused in an FEC complaint of hiding nearly $1 million of campaign funds in non-transparent private companies.
