Monday, March 4, 2019


There's a definite spring in the Johnsonian step these days.  Guess who's a candidate to be the next Episcopal bishop of Michigan.

The Rev. Bonnie A. Perry, [lesbian] rector of All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Chicago, Illinois.


If you're wondering about that post title, Bonnie "Lies Over The Ocean" once delivered a sermon entitled "It's A River, Not A Pie."  I'm still not exactly sure what that meant but the Rev. "It's A Belt Sander, Not An Apple Brown Betty" immediately became a favorite with this site.

The jokes write themselves.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not getting my hopes up.  "It's An Anchovy And Pineapple Pizza, Not The Great Seal Of The United States" has been screwed out of a pointy hat more than once by the Episcopal Organization.

But a guy can dream.  Take down this pot, Bonnie.  We're all pulling for you.

In other girl bishop news, this here's Cathy Bascom, the new Episcopal bishop of Kansas, and I may have to start Bad Vestments back up again.


  1. And from Kansas, in the red swim suit, we have ...

  2. You can always hope! I think Bonnie's ship has sailed. But anything is possible, since there are fewer and fewer actual Christians in episcopal dioceses these days.

    And is the Kansas individual a bishop of a botanical garden? Is there some hidden Christian symbolism I'm not seeing?

  3. I know TEO has screwed her over again and again but I'll never stop rooting for Bonnie. Old "It's A First-Class Postage Stamp, Not A Bag Of Egg Noodles" will always be number one around here.

  4. Christopher, I belong to a Facebook group called "Society Against Tacky Vestments"

    I'll have to post Ms. Kansas' costume. I may incorporate Katherine's comment about find the Christian symbol into the post as well. If I get any really choice comments, I'll share them here.

  5. Believe it or not, someone beat me to the punch over at Tacky Vestments. They're comparing this to KJS's more outlandish get-ups.

  6. TLM, at least the color and design suit her and make her look attractive, which KJS's more nightmarish costumes didn't. Of course, looking attractive isn't supposed to be the point. I don't see how her garden suit brings Christ to the flock.

  7. That's right, Katherine. I called Mrs. Schori Purple Haze for a reason.


  8. So I clicked on the link. The Diocese of Michigan has four candidates for bishop, all female. One checks the "black" box, and at least one, Bonnie Perry, checks the "lesbian" box. I very much doubt either of the other two is an orthodox believer, plus there's the whole thing where women (in my view and in the view of the church over most of its life) aren't called by God to be priests or bishops.

  9. I think Kansas just did the same thing. I guess the Piskies are pushing all-in on whatever their religion is.
