Saturday, March 23, 2019


Seems that Alexandria OhCrap-TheMoronIsTalkingAgain is steamed that Mitch McConnell scheduled a vote on legislation that she herself has proposed.

The GOP’s whole game of wasting votes in Congress to target others “on the record”, for leg they have no intent to pass, is a disgrace. Stop wasting the American peoples’ time + learn to govern. Our jobs aren’t for campaigning, & that’s exactly what these bluff-votes are for.

Kid?  This isn't saying a whole lot since you're living proof that any blithering idiot can be elected to the US Congress but you're in the big leagues now.  And if you're in the Show, people don't just uncritically accept whatever idiotic thought that pops into your staggeringly empty head.

Here in the real world, ideas get debated.  They get modified.  This is added, that's dropped.  But since you seem to believe that this Green New Deal of yours came down from Mount Sinai, what other choice did McConnell have?

Get over yourself, High School.


  1. If that cow ever learns what it takes to govern, we are all in deep kimchi. But, based on what we see so far, we haven't much to fear.

    Have her constituents figured out yet the stunt that was pulled In their district?

  2. If you don't want it voted on, don't propose it, idiot.

  3. UnReb,
    Re: "Have her constituents figured out yet the stunt that was pulled In their district?"

    FWIW, have you seen (or heard of) this? it's a bit long, but you'll get the gist after just a few minutes. I also have no way of verifying this, but it's certainly interesting.
