Sunday, March 24, 2019


Sometimes your lottery scratchers turn out to be worthless pieces of cardboard.

MSNBC host Chris Matthews expressed outrage on Friday upon hearing reports that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had completed his Russia investigation and submitted it to the attorney general -- with further indictments not expected.

Matthews began his show by summarizing the breaking news, but stressed that Mueller handed his report to the Department of Justice “without ever directly interviewing the president of the United States.”

“That means no charges against the president, his children or his associates after all those meetings with the Russians,” a visibly upset Matthews told his viewers.

The liberal cable news host opened the discussion to the panel, telling them his “biggest question” was “How can the president be pointed to as leading collusion with Russia, aiding a Russian conspiracy to interfere with our elections if none of his henchmen, none of his children, none of his associates have been indicted?”

“Why was there never an interrogation of this president?” Matthews shot back. “We were told for weeks by experts, ‘You cannot deal with an obstruction-of-justice charge or investigation without getting the motive… How could they let Trump off the hook?... He will not be charged with obstruction of justice or collusion without having to sit down with the Special Counsel Mueller and answer his damn questions. How could that happen?”


  1. Because there was no evidence of obstruction of justice, since it was Mueller's investigation, and he knew he wasn't being obstructed; and because there was no "collusion" or conspiracy. Why should Trump have been interviewed when there was no evidence he'd done anything wrong?

  2. The next question will be why Trump or any of his associates should answer the coming House subpoena requests for tax returns and business records when the House has no evidence that any crime has been committed and no authority to investigate alleged financial crimes anyhow.

  3. It would really be refreshing if CNN and/or MSNBC hired people who had a clue what they are talking about. Where do they find these people?

  4. Well, if they hired people who knew what they were talking about, they wouldn't say the dumb things they've been saying for all these years.

  5. So many rejoinders, so little time.... Look all these people live in an echo chamber. They have no real connection to real people.

    Oh,and while we're at it don't forget Rachel Madcow's absolute breakdown while reading the breaking news.

  6. I'm not going to pretend that I'm not enjoying the heck out of this.

  7. There is a story about that Mueller packed the investigation with Trump-hating Democrats to bullet proof the findings from any accusation of a cover-up. Looks like the Democrats are in a box of their own making.

  8. Oh, I'm enjoying this almost as much as election night 2016, Chris.

    It's not at all reasonable for Dems to claim this was a whitewash investigation, what with all the high-profile Dems on the team, and the very aggressive approach to Flynn, Papadopoulos, Cohen, Manafort, and Stone. He pressed them as hard as he could, turning over all stones, and nothing crawled out with reference to Trump or the campaign, only unrelated and old skulduggery and process crimes. I think the process crimes should get pardons.

  9. The spin cycle is going to continue this week as the Democrats will claim that the evidence is all there in the sealed (by law) parts of the report, and that Trump's A.G. is rigging the system so they can't see it.

  10. Look at it this way. The Democrats are so distracted by all this that they will be unable to pass anything harmful to the citizenry. The Donald is proving to be a master at the art of distracting your opponent.

  11. UR, I voted forTrump somewhat reluctantly in 2016. Better than Hillary, and I hoped for the best. I will vote for him enthusiastically
    in 2020. Like the online commentary, I wish I could vote for him several times!
