Wednesday, March 20, 2019


I'm old and don't remember things as well as I used to but I don't recall conservatives throwing this much of a shrieking, foot-stomping temper-tantrum after Obama's two wins .  But let Hillary Clinton lose a presidential election to UNITED STATES PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP and suddenly the whole American governmental structure is seriously, if not fatally, flawed.

How?  Let me count the ways.  There's the "legitimacy" of the Supreme Court.  Why should anyone respect any Supreme Court nominee of any "president" who didn't receive a majority of the popular vote?  Then there's the Senate.  Explain to me again why we have to allow people who actually choose to live in...shudder...Wyoming to have any say in US presidential elections.

These days, it's the Electoral College.  All current Democrat nominees are more or less in favor of abolishing, or at least finding ways around, that "outdated" institution.  Let all votes everywhere, even in...shudder...Wyoming, count equally.

Let United States presidents be selected by New York, New England, Chicago and California which is obviously the only fair way that make sure that everyone's vote "counts."

Aside from the frightening number of Americans who slept through civics class, to Democrats, the only time the Electoral College is an existential "problem" is when Republicans win presidential elections.


So what should be done?

1. Write the amendment.

2. Get 2/3 of the House and Senate to approve.

3. Get 38 state legislatures to approve.

Walk in the park.  The only legal way it can happen.  And why it's never going to happen.


  1. Back when Leftists thought that Obama might win the Electoral College, but Romney might win the popular vote, they published an article on "why" we need the Electoral College. (if it's still floating around on the inter-tubes, I'll get a link...)

    Well, that was then and this is now, right?

  2. The other alarming trend is the states which are passing laws requiring their electoral votes to go to the winner of the recorded popular vote. The best way to get all those laws rescinded is to urge massive turnout in states which are expected to go to Trump. When he wins the popular vote and gets Colorado's electoral votes as a result, that will end that.

  3. Sadly, Maine recently approved a referendum question on "Ranked Choice" voting, which is another way of eliminating the competition.
