Tuesday, March 19, 2019


It seems that there are actually two Missouri bills filed requiring gun ownership rather than just one.  While the AR-15 proposal would not apply to me since it has a upper age limit of 35 which I passed a LONG time ago, this one sounds like it just might.

The first bill, the McDaniel Second Amendment Act, would require Missouri residents aged 21 or older to purchase a handgun. It also would allot up to $1 million per year in tax credits for residents who purchased weapons to comply with the law. The bill was filed in late February.

Better start saving my money.

Although I still think that both bills will eventually be found unconstitutional, the more I ponder the idea, the more I'm coming to believe that these bills actually will pass.  The reason has to do with the political geography of this state.

While there are a few exceptions here and there, Blue Missouri consists of St. Louis and Kansas City while Red Missouri consists of every place else.  Red Missouri really detests Blue Missouri and the feeling is mutual.  Both Blue and Red Missouri will come into Kansas City or St. Louis for Royals or Cardinals games but the rest of the time, neither likes each other very much.

This is why, on guns, we're now a constitutional carry state.  This idea has "Let's stick it to those stuck-up city a-holes" written all over it.

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