Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Over the last several years, it has become a custom for professional sports teams all over this country to periodically honor the Hispanic communities in their towns by putting Spanish (or pseudo-Spanish) names on their uniforms.  Los Soles de Phoenix, for example.  The San Antonio Missions baseball team, of the Triple A Pacific Coast League starting this year, are no exception and whenever they do that, they refer to themselves as the Flying Chanclas de San Antonio.

That thing down there is their logo.  I have no idea what it's supposed to be but I know what it looks like.  What does it look like to you?  Of course it does.  Toddlers and infants know what that thing looks like.  Hell, the fetus currently residing inside my niece knows what that thing looks like.  When he saw it on the Internet the other day (my niece offers free wi-fi) and called me up, he couldn't stop laughing.  If I were you, I'd give this a serious rethink, Missions.  Either that or change the name to Los Guillermo Clintons de San Antonio.


  1. I am surprised to find that my mind isn't dirty enough to get the joke. :-) It look like a flip flop kicking something. Either way, it's pretty useless, since it either looks salacious or stupid.

  2. I'm with Katherine on this one. That is a flip-flop & you have a dirty mind. ;)

  3. Look at it upside down. But you're right, I may have a somewhat less than upstanding mind. Because when I saw it, that was the first thing I thought of. :-)

  4. Maybe I do have a dirty mind. I just now saw the flip-flop. 8-\

  5. It is, in fact, a flip flop, which has many uses besides walking in them, one of the uses being to hit objects or people:

