Monday, March 18, 2019


Andrew Yang, whoever he is, recently announced for the US presidency in 2020 and I think he's found an issue FAR more important than that "climate change" crap. Running on it, Andy can end our national divisions and unite this country like it hasn't been united since World War II.

Outsider presidential hopeful Andrew Yang’s latest idea is both literally and figuratively his most unorthodox yet: He’s taking a strong public stance against circumcision.

The Democratic candidate revealed in a little notice tweet last week that he was against the ritualized practice of cutting a newborn’s foreskin. But in an interview with The Daily Beast, he said that if he were elected he would incorporate that view into public policy, mainly by pushing initiatives meant to inform parents that they don’t need to have their infants circumcised for health reasons.

“It’s sort of pushed on parents in many situations,” Yang said, describing pressure to circumcise a child as a “cultural onus” imposed on families.

Finally.  An American politician brave enough to take on Big Foreskin.


  1. Is this just a distraction, like, you know, "See the birdie"? What is this clown really up to?

  2. Actually, rates of STDs are lower in places where the males are circumcised. As usual, the LORD knew what he was doing.
