Monday, March 25, 2019


Maybe Donald Trump actually is the Antichrist because nobody should have a week this good.  Mikey Nats, a guy serious people once figured as the Democratic presidential candidate for 2020, gets nailed for extortion, wire and bank fraud.

The U.S. attorney's office in Manhattan announced on Monday that it has filed extortion charges against Michael Avenatti, the lawyer who famously represented porn star Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against President Trump. Avenatti, who also was indicted by the U.S. attorneys office in Los Angeles on wire fraud and banking charges on Monday, was arrested in Manhattan earlier today.

According to the Manhattan indictment, Avenatti is accused of "attempting to extract more than $20 million in payments from a publicly traded company by threatening to use his ability to garner publicity to inflict substantial financial and reputational harm on the company if his demands were not met." Avenatti allegedly approached Nike in early March after an AAU basketball coach accused the sports retailer of paying families of top high school athletes. The complaint alleges that Avenatti threatened to "release damaging information" about the company in a news conference if Nike didn't pay him "millions of dollars" to handle the case. "I'll go take ten billion dollars off your client's market cap... I'm not f*cking around," he warned Nike's lawyers in a call that was recorded by federal investigators. “You guys know enough now to know you've got a serious problem," Avenatti told them, according to the filing.

1 comment:

  1. What amazed me throughout is how CNN and MSNBC treated this guy as a serious source, and even as a presidential candidate worth interviewing.
