Monday, March 25, 2019


Politico?  Hard to believe that you're this stupid but here's how life works.  If you spend two years basically accusing me of treason only to find out that nothing happened, you'll get "healing" or "national unity" from me ONLY after I get an abject, groveling apology.

But after the nearly two-year investigation found no collusion or clear obstruction of justice, Trump and his aides showed little interest in healing or national unity. They quickly launched a fierce counterattack against both Democrats and the media, claiming that Trump had survived what amounted to an extralegal coup — and implying that other charges of wrongdoing against him should also be discounted.

And not before.

1 comment:

  1. Yup. The healing will begin when the perpetrators of this national outrage admit their guilt and begin paying the price.

    Which means, don't hold your breath on the healing.
