Thursday, April 18, 2019


It's looking great for my home town.

Major League Soccer owners decided on Thursday to expand their league by three teams to 30, virtually assuring the top two bidders — St. Louis and Sacramento — of a spot in the league.

Owners exited their day-long board meeting late Thursday with sealed lips, but news began to trickle out. One owner told the Post-Dispatch “Congrats!”

Not an hour later, league Commissioner Don Garber confirmed that owners had voted to expand, but cautioned that they did not green-light specific teams.

Still, Garber has said for months that bids in Sacramento and St. Louis were frontrunners, praising both for their markets, stadium plans and ownership groups.

This is how much the sports situation has changed here.  We want this to happen and we're excited about it.  But nobody in this area would cross the street to get the NFL back into town.

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