Tuesday, April 9, 2019


Bitter, doddering, elderly woman demonstrates why she lost to DONALD J. TRUMP.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton implied Tuesday that millions of Americans might be white nationalists, by association if nothing else.

The twice-unsuccessful Democratic presidential candidate tweeted a HuffPost article about far-right activists abroad who have adopted the slogans and rhetoric of President Donald Trump. “The white nationalists certainly think MAGA is a white nationalist slogan,” was the comment Clinton added.


  1. "white nationalists, by association if nothing else."

    Yeah, this is the whole "racist adjacent" thing that's going around. Has the convenience of smearing your opponent while avoiding a defamation lawsuit.

  2. And, that is why she lost the election.

    And, your robot-buster has gone south again.

  3. I could claim that every Democrat voter is a Communist, because Communists vote for them. It wouldn't be true, but it would be closer to the truth than this "white nationalism" line. There are few hundred of those, and quite a few more hard-core leftists.

  4. Ya know, it's never pleasant to be called names, but ya gotta consider the source!
