Tuesday, April 9, 2019


The most American thing ever.

In news that should surprise no one, affluent Hollywood elites are scared sh_tless of going to jail, but they have every intention of doing so fully prepared for the experience.

The parents once seeking "consultation" on the easy way to get their kids into elite universities are now seeking another type of consultation: what prison life could be like. 

As a result of the "largest college admissions scandal in history", actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman were among 15 other parents and celebs who appeared before a judge last Wednesday afternoon, accused of cheating to get their kids into elite universities like USC and Yale. Most defendants have remained mum on their legal strategies as they head to "face the music" as a result of their involvement in the scheme. 

Some parents are considering plea deals, while others are seeking out consultants to help them with advice on what prison life could be life. Parents are seeking advice from a former convicted felon, Justin Paperny, who now works as a "prison consultant". He recently told CBS that he had been hired by one parent charged in the scheme, while he is "in talks" with others.


  1. According to today's Boston Glob, the most likely sentences would vary from 4 months actual prison time, to perhaps 12 months of "supervised release." My guess is that they'll pay some hefty fines, do some community service and wear an ankle bracelet for 6 months or so.

  2. If nothing else, Felicity Huffman's apology seemed sincere.

  3. I don't think prison for these people will be anything worse than Martha Stewart's. A cell block sleeping with a drug dealer in the other bunk seems unlikely.

  4. Apparently Lori Loughlin refused a plea deal because she thought the feds were bluffing. Bad move, entitled Hollywood princess.
