Sunday, April 14, 2019


You'd think it would be fun to be right all the time but it's actually not.

The Fascists MAGAites Republicans reveal their latest vile strategy for dividing this country and intimidating minority voices into silence.
Verbatim quoting.

From The Washington Post.

The cover of the New York Post on Thursday showed an image of the World Trade Center exploding into flames on Sept. 11, more than 17 years ago.

The target of the tabloid’s ire? Rep. Ilhan Omar, one of the first two Muslim women to serve in Congress, who has become a frequent target of criticism, harassment and outright Islamophobia from the right wing since her election in November.

Omar (Dumbass-Minn.) had made brief remarks about Islamophobia at an event in March that came in the aftermath of the white-supremacist shooting that left 50 Muslim worshipers dead in New Zealand. But after video of the event was published this week, conservative figureheads fixated on the way she had phrased a reference to 9/11, as “some people did something.”

Content edited slightly.

Apparently, directly quoting the words used by some leftist now constitutes an "attack," even an "incitement to violence."  Chris Hayes, America's Student Council President, pronounced himself horrified by the following.

This is also apparently a "provocation."  Again, you'll have to ask the left why but they're bat crap about it.  The Principal Chief of the Sovereign Nation Of Fake Indians weighs in.

The President is inciting violence against a sitting Congresswoman—and an entire group of Americans based on their religion. It's disgusting. It's shameful. And any elected leader who refuses to condemn it shares responsibility for it.

By...directly...quoting her...actual words.  Okay.  In case you're worried about any "anti-Semitic" angle, here's some woman who calls herself a "rabbi."

Trump is engaging in blatant Islamophobia by taking a comment by @IlhanMN out of context in order to smear her with the worst stereotypes. He is likely also endangering her life, as she has already been target of death threats.

Again.  By using her exact words.  And while we're here, let's have Allie High School invoke the Holocaust.  Nothing ever goes wrong when you do that.

Members of Congress have a duty to respond to the President’s explicit attack today. @ IlhanMN’s life is in danger. For our colleagues to be silent is to be complicit in the outright, dangerous targeting of a member of Congress. We must speak out. “First they came...”

By using her exact words.  By quoting her directly. 



UPDATE: Kammi's in with talking points down.

1 comment:

  1. Criticism, especially direct quotation from the speaker, is not the same thing as threatening violence. The people who commit the violence, if they do, are responsible for that. Just think about how many Democrats took responsibility for their rhetoric when a Bernie Sanders volunteer tried to assassinate a lot of Republicans in the summer of 2017.
