Thursday, April 11, 2019


Back when this site focused almost exclusively on the Anglican controversy, I used to say this about Rowan Williams all the time.  If you say something and other people constantly feel the need to jump in to explain What You Really Meant, you are a horrible communicator.

To a certain extent, the same concept is in play here.  The invocation of the phrase "out of context" means that Larry and Curly know perfectly well that Moe meant what she said.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., have both jumped to the defense of their under fire fellow freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar, saying Thursday her comment in reference to 9/11 has been wildly taken out of context.

Omar, D-Minn., is facing backlash after a speech at a Muslim rights group’s event in which she described the September 11, 2001, terror attacks as “some people did something”.


  1. Leave these poor girls alone. With their help, the public could well tire of the whole "vote for Democrats" experiment.

    Chris, please feed your damn robot-buster. It won't stop barking at me.

  2. I thought I did. Maybe hit Refresh or something next time. Other than that, I don't know what else to do about it.

  3. Sometimes the robot-buster treats me kindly, and sometime not. Sometimes the pictures are so fuzzy that I can't tell what's in them, and then it decides I did it wrong. It never seems to label anyone as "trusted" and therefore not screened.

    Reports today at PJ Media show Omar met with Erdogan in September 2017, and has long-term associations with Muslim Brotherhood proxies in the US. This comment was not taken "out of context." Admitting that radical Islamism is evil is something she is incapable of.

  4. Chris, for what it is worth the problem worsened after the Virginia/Auburn game.

  5. I wish I could get rid of the damned thing but I can't. This one's totally on Google/Blogger. All I know is that if you have a Google account and you're signed in, you don't have to worry about it at all.

  6. I have a Google account and am signed in, and it makes me go through the robot thing every single time, at least once.

  7. Odd. It doesn't make me do it. I just go straight to Publish Your Comment and up it goes.

  8. Anyway, push comes to shove, just e-mail your comment (midwestconservative at gmail dot com) and I'll put it up for you, give you credit and everything.

  9. You're the blog owner, so you're the only one Bloger trusts.

  10. This is why you won't often see me adding a comment to correct my own typo, as in the previous comment. I don't want to go through the hassle.

  11. I rarely have to verify before publishing comments. For some reason Blogger likes me.

  12. Root for a team the robot-buster does not like & that will change.

  13. Using just my name to see what difference this makes to the robot. If Google doesn't help me, then I'd rather not use it.
