Thursday, April 11, 2019


Mikey Nats not even a year ago.

Navarro explained, “Lately, to me, you’re like the Holy Spirit. You are all places at all times. Right. I mean, I do — I see you all over cable news, I see — there’s a seat available if you want to be a co-host at ‘The View.’ There’s people here you can pitch. He’d be a great lady around the table … No, but, so, I have the same issue with Giuliani. He’s everywhere. When do you have time to be lawyering? To do real lawyering? You’re representing — ”

Joy Behar interrupted, saying, “[Avenatti] has a bigger calling here. Being a lawyer is minimal compared to what he’s doing.”

Navarro interrupted, “The priesthood?”

Behar continued, “He’s out there saving the country.”

Mikey Nats today.

Michael Avenatti was indicted Thursday on 36 charges of tax fraud, bribery and embezzlement, including in a case in which the embattled celebrity lawyer allegedly hid $4 million of settlement money from a mentally ill, paraplegic client.

Avenatti’s alleged scam caused his client, Geoffrey Ernest Johnson, to miss two months worth of Social Security Administration disability payments earlier in 2019, according to The Los Angeles Times.

In the latest indictment, Avenatti is accused of scamming five separate clients, including Johnson. He also allegedly withheld a $2.75 million settlement payout from another client in 2017. Avenatti allegedly spent $2.5 million of those funds to purchase a private jet.

1 comment:

  1. When recounting history and dates for 2017-18, they should referred as which of the 108 times Avenatti appeared on CNN/MSNBC
