Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Remember when Democrats and the American news media, if you'll pardon the redundancy, were swooning over the prospect of Mikey Nats running for president against Trump in 2020?

Michael Avenatti’s legal troubles deepened after the embattled lawyer was indicted on charges of fraud and aggravated identity theft for allegedly stealing the advance on a book deal from the porn actress Stormy Daniels, his most famous client, and using the money on personal expenses like a monthly car payment on a Ferrari.

The indictment by a federal grand jury, announced Wednesday by prosecutors in Manhattan, also charges Avenatti with extorting millions of dollars from Nike Inc., an allegation first made in March when the attorney was arrested outside the New York offices of the shoemaker’s law firm.

Avenatti, 48, faces criminal prosecution in two states. In California, he was indicted in March on three dozen charges, including a claim that he stole millions of dollars from a paraplegic client’s settlement with Los Angeles County. In New York, he is accused of lying and forging documents to persuade a literary agent to divert money owed to his client to an account he controlled. Avenatti used the money for personal and business purposes, according to the indictment.


  1. I have the misfortune of working at a place where CNN is always on in the break room. The good news is I have a good memory of their shenanigans. I remember Stormy Daniels stories so much that I'm certain that CNN would have interrupted live coverage of the first manned Mars landing to break another Daniels "bombshell".

  2. Scott W, you should get extra combat pay for working in such an environment.

  3. I would love to learn how is it that every air-traveler in the entire US gets bombarded with CNN during the 2&1/2 hours between flights. I would love to know just how Ted Turner managed to pull that off.

  4. Well, Avenatti isn't that bad compared to some of the others. The others just haven't been indicted yet.

  5. I would love to know just how Ted Turner managed to pull that off.

    When Turner owned it, it was a serious news provider. He hasn't owned it for about 15 years.

    The problem is airport managers. Subsidiary matters are often done with the left hand anywhere. Also, they're often Democrats or work for Democrats.

  6. When Turner owned it, it was a serious news provider. He hasn't owned it for about 15 years.

    True enough, but CNN's airport footprint was very well established while he was still the owner. During the 90s, I did enough business travel to become very aware of CNN's ubiquity. I do agree about the role airport managers play. But the point is that CNN gets to brainwash the traveling public without any kind of antidote.
