Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Not my problem, Gav.  I live in Missouri.

Gov. Gavin Newsom called growing homelessness in California a national disgrace as he announced Tuesday that he is launching a task force to find solutions amid a housing crisis in the most populous state.

The Democratic governor said the state has lacked a strategy to curb homelessness but argued that answers will come from the local level. He said the group will work with cities and counties to develop regional plans for addressing the issue.
Newsom made the announcement in Oakland, where county officials said the number of homeless people rose 43 percent over the last two years. Recent data from other counties has shown large increases, too.
Besides, you already know what Calee has to do.


  1. So the governor is saying California is a national disgrace. I agree with him. And California can blame its own politicians and voters.

  2. One of the disadvantages of California's gorgeous climate is that spending the night on the street is tolerable. Try doing that in Minnesota in February.

  3. Or Missouri for that matter. If I ever lost my home, I start walking west.

  4. Speaking of Missouri, I hope the tornados last night didn't reach St. Louis.

  5. See Wm. Tucker's collation of evidence published a generation ago. The most salient factor influencing the quantum of vagrancy is ... rent control. In California, you also have lots of artificial restrictions on real estate development. Thomas Sowell once estimated that if you had an ordinary legal regime in property development in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties, the sale price of his home would drop by half. You have vested interests at work here, and Gov. Newsom will propose no law to injure such interests. Newsome himself has in the past been heavily involved in the real estate business so likely understands the degree to which the regulatory environment induces these problems. Other California pols know nothing, and just think of businesses as people you fleece.

  6. A tornado hit Jefferson City hard. I think they're still trying to figure out exactly what happened there. But we got through it okay.

  7. My husband got in touch with a friend in Jeff City. He lives on the west side; the tornado went right through the center of town. Good to know it didn't come to your area.

  8. Hi Chris,
    I've been wondering if you had loss of internet following the severe weather.

    It seems to have followed Rt. 44 from TX up through OK, then through SW Missouri, before peeling off to the north heading toward the Great Lakes.

    Glad you are OK. Tornadoes are so unpredictable.

  9. That they are. That night, the alarm went off again and again but nothing ever happened where I live. Happens out this way.

  10. Chris, glad that y'all made it through that round of storms.

    Newsome wants to make California's problems everyone's problems because when they run out of other Californians' money to spend on their socialistic dreams, he wants the rest of the nation to bail them out. I mean us folks here in Texas and you folks up in Missouri need to share our wealth with California.
