Sunday, June 9, 2019


Anyone stupid enough to believe that Islam can ever be coexisted with needs to read this now.


  1. I have two words: Father Jacques Hamel.

    O.K. that's actually three, but you know what I mean. Fr. Hamel was recently Beatified, btw.

  2. Once again, I am reminded of a comment I read a year or so ago. Probably not on Chris' old site, as it's more recent than that.

    Well, anyway, the gist of the comment was that Muslims can be very nice people, good neighbors, etc., as long as they are a small minority of the population. As soon as their numbers get up into the 30-40% range, they start demanding to be allowed Sharia Law in their neighborhoods, and crimes against infidels occur. In other words, they don't even have to be a clear majority of any given population, before bad things start to happen. Large parts of Europe have already reached that critical mass, with predictable results.
