Monday, June 10, 2019


Give it up for the stupidest idea ever conceived.  Until the next one.

One of gym classes’ most common games is being used as a tool of “oppression,” according to a team of Canadian researchers.
Dodgeball in phys-ed classes teaches students to dehumanize and harm their peers, professors from three Canadian universities said in a presentation this week at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Vancouver. A paper on the subject is set to appear in the journal European Physical Education Review.
“When you’re setting up the environment for students to learn, and you introduce the idea that it’s okay to slam the ball at whomever you like, even if it’s with a soft ball, the intention is there,” Joy Butler, a professor who studies pedagogy and curriculum development at University of British Columbia, said in a phone interview.
“When students think it’s okay because they’re being told it’s okay to do that, what do they learn? People say [dodgeball] is being used as an outlet for aggression or catharsis. I suspect that this is where they’re learning that."


  1. Another sortie against the phony concept of toxic masculinity.

  2. Dodge Ball taught kids agility and situational awareness. How much you want to bet that some of the people involved in this "research" were the clumsy, slow-moving kids who always got pummeled in Dodge Ball?
