Thursday, July 25, 2019


This is neither an apple nor a banana, Brian Stelter.  This is a particularly vile, disgusting, repulsive little anti-Semitic slimebag and he works for your company, or at least he did.  Does he still work there? Has CNN fired him yet?  When can we look forward to CNN firing his sorry ass?

UPDATE: Stelter reports that CNN "has accepted the resignation" of the gutless bastard which is modern English for "we'll let you quit but if you don't quit, we'll fire you."

1 comment:

  1. Unless I'm misunderstanding, this fellow is Egyptian and migrated from Cairo to New York sometime in the interval running from 2011 to 2016.

    He looks young and a brief profile in the Sulzberger Birdcage Liner four years ago indicates he was born in 1993 or 1994. It's a reasonable inference he was unmarried at the time he entered the United States. He's a photographer, not an engineer.

    So, American immigration authorities permitted the entry of an Arab bachelor with an unimportant skill set and made him sit in the queue for < 5 years. He has a history of violent political activity to boot. The one feature he possesses making him a suitable immigrant is that he apparently speaks fluent English.

    Robert Conquest is right. The U.S. government's behavior can be explained by assuming it's controlled by a secret cabal of our enemies.
