Wednesday, July 24, 2019


This isn't the story here.

A 9-year-old Florida girl was injured after a bull bison charged her and sent her flying into the air at Yellowstone National Park on Monday.
The unidentified girl was with a group of people in the Old Faithful Geyser area of the park in Wyoming, standing within five to 10 feet of the bison before the animal charged, the National Park Service said in a press release Tuesday.
Hailey Dayton, 18, filmed the incident while she was visiting the park on a family road trip.
“My brother and I were looking at the hot springs, and we saw a bunch of people running down the path to the bridge. We saw through the trees some people petting the bison, super close,” she told NBC News on Wednesday.

The story here is how any group of allegedly-sentient adults could POSSIBLY be this stupid.


  1. The horror in all this is that we allow these people to vote.

  2. Bison to people, "Mind your own bisoness!"

  3. "Daddy, can we keep him?

    "Sure thing, princess."

  4. She was treated and released. N.B., her mother and father are from Floriduh.

  5. Isn't that where they release non-native species into the Everglades once their kids become too bored to continue feeding them? That or it outgrew its cage.
