Saturday, July 6, 2019


SoCal's getting slammed.

A 7.1 magnitude earthquake rattled Southern California on Friday, the day after the most powerful earthquake struck the region in two decades.
The earthquake could be felt from Las Vegas to the California coast and people as far away as Phoenix reported feeling the rumblings.
The epicenter of the temblor was about 10 miles northeast of Ridgecrest, in the desert, the same area where Thursday's earthquake was recorded. That 6.4 magnitude quake was called the strongest to hit Southern California since 1999, but Friday's quake was more powerful.

1 comment:

  1. I asked my brother, who lives in the San Fernando Valley, north LA, whether he felt this one. He replied to say they felt the first one at home and this one in Las Vegas, where they are visiting. Rocking and rolling. Fortunately the epicenter is out in the middle of nowhere, and nobody appears to have been badly hurt.
