Saturday, July 6, 2019


The next time you see any story at all about these people, remember that they were beaten 5-2 by a bunch of 14-year-old boys.

I do think it would be hysterically funny if the Administration announced that the women's team was not going to be invited to the White House but that under-15 boys team was.


  1. Sorry to have to tell you this, Chris, but they are fun to watch.

    [And your robot-buster is a sexist pig.]

  2. That may be, ur. But the simple fact of the matter is that none of these women are anywhere near as good as any men's team (they lost to a bunch of adolescent boys and it wasn't close). None of them could make a USL roster.

    You want to enjoy them, fine, go for it. I guess the US national rugby team is fun to watch too but that doesn't mean that folks in Wales or New Zealand should give a damn. Don't try to shove down my throat that what's going on here is a Vitally Important World Sporting Event.

    Because it isn't. It isn't close.

  3. So, I went & read several accounts of the game. Seems the women were out to support the local boys team & have a bit of fun without placing any of their players in harms way. And, when the match was over, both teams were photographed together with everyone laughing. It was a lark, not what you & the other knuckle-draggers say transpired.

  4. Doesn't change anything. If somebody starts the National Women's Baseball League, it gets one (or two or three) television contracts, its ratings are high, we're relentlessly told that Something Vitally Important And Necessary Is Going On Here and St. Louis wins the first NWBL championship, you're not going to see me jumping up and down.

    Sorry. Because it's an inferior game.
