Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Slapsie Maxie pushes all-in.

Appalling attack by the president on one of America’s most respected journalists (Chris Cuomo?  Seriously, Max?  You're actually going to run with that?  You're actually going to tag Fredo that way?  I mean, the guy works for CNFreakingN, Max.  That's the television equivalent of the Weekly World News)—a fearless (and eminently sane) truth teller I am proud to work with at CNN.  We cannot accept as normal these kinds of attacks on the free press.


  1. Off-screen, CNN pundits are rather unhinged and unsavory characters. https://nypost.com/2019/08/13/don-lemon-sued-by-hamptons-bartender-for-alleged-assault/

  2. Boot started his career at The Wall Street Journal about 25 years ago and, up until 2017, was published regularly in Commentary and in National Review now and again. Watching the antics of Boot, George Will, Wm. Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, and David French has been enough to persuade some of us that the community of interest between Republican voters and wide swaths of the starboard commentariat was largely a fiction.

  3. Good point Art. Long before Trump, we had an expression, "neocons on the make."

  4. "neocons on the make."

    Who? The term 'neoconservative' described a modest corps of academics and journalists disaffected with the Democratic Party during the period running from 1971 to 1992. The vast majority of these people are elderly or dead and they haven't formed a distinct tendency within starboard thought in more than 25 years. 'Neocon' is a bogey term invented by creatures like Samuel Francis to describe Jewish opinion journalists they despised, who were butt-hurt that some people had regular salaried employment when they didn't. It was picked up by various other parties for their own purposes, but it's never had an elevated or defensible use.

    Neither Jonah Goldberg nor George Will ever had any particular association with Commentary or the Committee for the Free World and David French is a provincial evangelical who has little in common with the veterans of Alcove 1 at the City College cafeteria.

  5. https://www.nationalreview.com/magazine/2018/12/03/corrosion-of-conservatism-book-review/

    A short critique of Boot.

  6. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/max-boots-tired-white-supremacy-smear/

  7. Max Boot's been off the edge for a while. Funny, when I read your post title, Chris, I thought we were talking about Maxine Waters. Not much difference; both of them are nuts.

    CNN's ratings are dropping in tandem with their credibility. "Most respected" by whom?

  8. Yeah, I use that title for both of them. Funny thing is, the original guy, Slapsie Maxie Rosenbloom, was a boxer way back when. I just figured it fit. :-)
