Tuesday, August 13, 2019


The other day, someone publicly called CNN's Chris Cuomo Fredo and Chris blew up about it, claiming it was racist or something and threatening physical violence against the man who said it to him. Fredo, by the way, was the weakest and most pathetic of the Corleone brothers in The Godfather movies (an interesting commentary on the power of movies in this culture).

Never mind the fact that he and other of his guests have used the term themselves on several occasions to refer to Republicans.  This was supposed to have been a MAJOR ethnic slur and more than a few "conservatives" stood up for Cuomo's wild overreaction.  Me, I'm right here.

You don't get to spend your career doing this kind of crap and then react in horror when someone does it to you.  Keep your mouth shut.


  1. It's not an ethnic slur. It's a comment on his intelligence and character. Plus, a guy who goes ballistic, using the "f" word repeatedly and threatening violence while his wife and nine-year-old daughter are present is not my idea of a hero.

  2. One of the popular memes going around today is: "CNN’s Chris Cuomo fights negative Italian stereotypes by threatening to break a stranger’s legs."

  3. His personality reminds me of Bryant Gumbel
