Saturday, September 7, 2019


The county council of Montgomery County, Maryland HATES people who point out the obvious.

Officials in Montgomery County, Maryland, blamed conservative media, the White House and a top immigration official Thursday for drawing attention to a recent spate of sexual assaults carried out by illegal aliens.

What good can possibly be accomplished by accurately listing certain crimes committed in Montgomery County as well as who committed them?  Sounds kind of racist if you ask us.

“There has been a lot of inaccurate information spread by the White House, President Trump, Acting USCIS Director Ken Cuccinelli, local and national conservative news outlets and neo-Nazi sympathizers regarding our criminal justice system and its process,” the county council said in a statement.

That "neo-Nazi sympathizers" line is a dead giveaway, particularly since the county went out of its way to declare that crimes recently committed by illegal aliens really weren't that big of a deal.

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich, a Democrat, signed an executive order in July barring county law enforcement officers from asking about individual’s immigration status. The order also prohibits county law enforcement from working with federal immigration agencies, such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

So Montgomery County, Maryland is the real victim here.

UPDATE: Montgomery County racks up another one.

1 comment:

  1. "Neo-Nazi sympathizers." Do they expect anyone to take them seriously after that line? It's true that most illegal aliens are not rapists, and that many rapes are committed by US citizens. But there's nothing inaccurate about the reports that several rapes were committed by illegal aliens released into the population by Montgomery County authorities. Those particular rapes would not have occurred if immigration laws had been enforced by county authorities.
