Tuesday, September 10, 2019


How do you know when your presidential campaign is dead in the water?  When you seriously believe that the following stupid crap is a legitimate policy position.

Living close to work shouldn't be a luxury for the rich. It's a right for everyone.

Wildly flail about much, Bobby?  How in the world are you ever going to enforce this "right?"  Are we going to see mandatory house "buybacks" in case the government needs the space so someone can exercise their "right" to "live close to work?"

Hell, Bobby, you might as well have jammed the pedal to the metal and said something like, "Driving drunk, damn near killing someone in an accident and then leaving the scene shouldn't be a luxury for the rich or the well-connected.  It's a right for everyone."

Shut it down now.  Dumbass.


  1. Yo, Bobby

    Time was when workers lived in company housing & bought at the company store. Are you really proposing we go back to that?

    Ask railroad workers & coalminers how that went. Oh, you want rent & price controls to go along with that. I see!

  2. Yes, ur, what with restrictive doing, building codes, and rent control, the left is making it impossible for anyone but the rich to live near their work in urban areas. Even the illegals on whom they rely to clean their houses and mow their tiny lawns can't live nearby.

  3. That's "zoning." Stupid autocorrect.
