Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Charming Billy's almost home.


  1. In your wildest dreams, Billy Boy.

    No, Billy, what they are objecting to is the total lack of due process such as was provided to both Nixon & Clinton.

  2. Is it really Kristol's stated position that what the 'impeachment inquiry' is 'actually discovering' requires for its continuation that the Republican members of the committee be barred from the room?

    As far as I can tell, what motivates Kristol and others is a determination to demonstrate that categorical statements they made in 2015 and 2016 were not misconceived. They grasp at anything, no matter how tenuous, that assists in this quest. So that's one thing Trump's accomplished: demonstrating that a mess of starboard opinion journalists subordinate everything to their own vanity.

  3. Why does Kristol think "actual fact finding" can only be conducted in secret? What Dems are really worried about is that their lack of facts will emerge. This is, in great part, political theater only.
