Monday, October 14, 2019


Nate Silver's not wrong here.

In fact, I think this is far-and-away the most likely outcome next year.  The American media didn't understand why Trump won in 2016 and for the most part, they haven't figured it out yet and don't look like they will or even care to.  Since the President lives rent-free inside media heads for 24/7/365, they'll misjudge him yet again.

Granted, journalism is hard to do when you constantly have to fight off the effects of Trump Derangement Psychosis.  And the media still thinks that "conservative" NeverTrump bitter-enders like Jonah Goldberg, Jenny Rubin, Dave French and Charming Billy still have actual influence so I really can't see this ending at all well for the American media.

UPDATE: Down in the comments, Dr. Mabuse jacks one into the seats.

I've saved YouTube videos of election night 2016 media coverage, and one thing most of them said, once the incredible truth of Trump's victory sank in, was that the media had to re-examine themselves, in light of their complete misreading of the public mood. The Great Enchastening did not last long, however. That pensiveness was almost immediately replaced by rage, which has not abated. The media almost immediately forgot their resolution of seeking to learn what THEY had done wrong, and instead switched with relief to discussing what the voters had done wrong. That focus on other people's errors has continued without interruption in the 3 years that have passed. They don't even seem to see that they are actually in danger here; that not having corrected their errors the first time around, they could easily go ahead and do the same thing all over again.

To borrow Brecht's line, what must we do?  Dissolve the people and elect another?  Somehow find an American electorate that is once again worthy of the media that covers it?


  1. And the media still thinks that "conservative" NeverTrump bitter-enders like Jonah Goldberg, Jenny Rubin, Dave French and Charming Billy still have actual influence so I really can't see this ending at all well for the American media.

    Well, the media have several of them on retainer (Rubin, Douthat, Cupp, Brooks, Frum, Will) and leftoid donors throw some swag at others (Goldberg, French, Kristol, Sykes, Hayes, Lewis), so they're hoping they have influence.

  2. I've saved YouTube videos of election night 2016 media coverage, and one thing most of them said, once the incredible truth of Trump's victory sank in, was that the media had to re-examine themselves, in light of their complete misreading of the public mood. The Great Enchastening did not last long, however. That pensiveness was almost immediately replaced by rage, which has not abated. The media almost immediately forgot their resolution of seeking to learn what THEY had done wrong, and instead switched with relief to discussing what the voters had done wrong. That focus on other people's errors has continued without interruption in the 3 years that have passed. They don't even seem to see that they are actually in danger here; that not having corrected their errors the first time around, they could easily go ahead and do the same thing all over again.

  3. I've been especially sad to see Jonah Goldberg lose his commonsense. He said he would let his opposition to Trump go, after the election, and just stick to the facts, but he hasn't.

  4. Look, it isn't just that they "misread the public mood," they went out of their way to conduct skewed polls, then believed the erroneous results. They're doing it again this time around, too.
