Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Mr. President?  If you'd like to decide 2020 right now, you need to completely withdraw the US from this Nazi revival and make a point of expelling this obscenity from these shores.

A group of 54 United Nations members issued a statement Tuesday defending China for building over 1,000 concentration camps to imprison, torture, indoctrinate, rape, and kill Muslims, crediting the camps with building “a stronger sense of happiness” in the country.

“Faced with the grave challenge of terrorism and extremism, China has undertaken a series of counter-terrorism and deradicalization measures in Xinjiang, including setting up vocational education and training centers,” Belarus said, using China’s preferred term for the concentration camps. “The past three consecutive years has [sic] seen not a single terrorist attack in Xinjiang and people there enjoy a stronger sense of happiness, fulfillment and security.”

Despite the Chinese regime severely limiting the entry of foreigners or other Chinese people from elsewhere in the country into Xinjiang, the note said the countries “appreciate China’s commitment to openness and transparency,” referencing a staged “media access” tour China organized for the state media of various friendly countries.

The statement concluded by condemning those standing up for human rights and demanding they “refrain from employing unfounded charges against China based on unconfirmed information before they visit Xinjiang,” which they cannot do freely.

Watching American media heads explode would make it all worthwhile.


  1. Except that American media heads won't publish any reports about this. I am no fan of Islamist extremism, but I am also no fan of mass incarceration of these people based on ethnicity and religious affiliation. This is ethnic cleansing, pure and simple, and why Muslim countries won't condemn is probably "all about the Benjamins, baby," as Ilhan Omar would say.

  2. $$$ and "my enemy's enemy is my friend", too, I think....wrt the latter, which side will the left choose in this? Or maybe they'll just start having smoke come out their ears like an android being de-activated by Capt. Kirk, LOL

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