Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Economic moron announces homelessness expansion initiative.

Let me see if I can explain something to you, Communist.

I live in an apartment.  At my last lease renewal, my rent went up a good bit.  I can still afford to live here but I don't know for how much longer.

But that's my problem, not the apartment complex's and certainly not the government's.  Know why that is, Communist?

Because this apartment complex, like every other apartment complex everywhere, IS A BUSINESS.  You go slapping some kind of governmental limit on what this place can charge people and one of two things will happen. 

Either the people who run this complex will decide that running one of these things just isn't worth the trouble and my home will close down.  Or this place turns into Pruitt-Igoe (look it up) faster than you can say Felix Dzerzhinsky.

The term "housing project" has a negative connotation for a reason, Bolshie.  But I guess that doesn't mean anything to you, what with those three dachas of yours.

One more thing. Vladimir Ilyich Sanders here also thinks that this country should bail out violent anti-Semites who lob rockets into Israel on a regular basis.  Good luck with that, Dems.

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