Wednesday, October 16, 2019


FYI, that's a term made up by white leftist Anglos which quite a few Latinos are starting to find actually kind of offensive.  #JustTryingToHelp #SuckUpMuch?

UPDATE: Speaking of offended ethnic groups...


  1. Like the genderless pronouns, I suppose it only fitting that genderless nouns should also be unpronounceable.

    But, moving right along, I do hope that Latinos see this for the bald-faced, morally superior pander that it really is. I am going to keep telling you that the only thing this woman is fit for is the dunking chair. (Now, Tulsi, on the other hand ...)

  2. "Latinx" defies all the rules of the Spanish language in all its dialects, Old World and New World, besides being unpronounceable. This word should join all the likewise unpronounceable new pronouns in the trash. It's nice to see some real Latinos objecting to this.
