Tuesday, October 15, 2019


My Birds are done.  Four-and-out to the Washington Nationals.  Oh well.  That kind of thing tends to happen when you don't bring your bats with you.  Kind of like the 2002 Super Bowl when Rams coach Mike Martz forgot that Marshall Faulk was one of his running backs.

Anyway, a ST. LOUIS BLUES*, for God's sake, Stanley Cup win covereth a multitude of sins, as Peter** would have put it.  And I had to figure that two major world titles in this town in the same year would have been the signal for the New Madrid Fault to cut loose.

So if I go totally silent for a really long time, I'm dead for some other reason.

*Something I honestly never expected to live to see.

**  They didn't have hockey back then, dumbass.  I'm well aware of that but emanations, penumbra, that sort of pseudo-legalistic crap.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad about the Cardinals. Baseball is like that. A team will be red hot and then go into a batting slump for no reason.

    I did see a tweet on Mollie Hemingway's feed to the effect that Sanchez, who had a no-hitter against the Cards for eight innings, got a standing ovation in St. Louis when the Nationals pulled him. You've got high-class fans in St. Louis.
