Monday, October 21, 2019


You and Mrs. French might want to keep something in mind.  Donald Trump is NOT America's Presiding Bishop. 

He is this country's First Civil Servant.

And that's ALL he is or ever will be.



  1. Had to search who French was. National Review? Haven't picked up one of those since pre-9/11. Sounds like butthurt. What is the anti-Trump obsession with evangelicals?

  2. He's a lawyer [who doesn't practice anymore] who is indifferent to the reality that no legal violation which would justify convicting him in a Senate trial has been demonstrated. He's been writing columns for the last couple of years taking every Democratic talking point at face value posted by NR adjacent to articles by Andrew McCarthy taking these arguments apart.

  3. What is the anti-Trump obsession with evangelicals?

    There isn't one. It's a tiny corps of evangelical publicists. Some are durable shills for the Democratic Party. They're now supplemented with French and a few others (e.g. Alan Jacobs). Gotta hand it to Trump. He smokes out the spurious.
