Monday, October 21, 2019


We hardly knew ye.

UPDATE: Come to find out that the man (sorry, I'm not playing that game) who won this event is kind of an asshole.


  1. Sad to say this dude is from my neck of the woods. No place is safe from clown world.

  2. C.S. Lewis wrote about the Abolition of Man. What's going on is a subset, the abolition of women. You guys are just like me, yes? -- except you're always stronger.

  3. Katherine, Although not mentioned in the linked article, there was a link to another article (that I had read before about 2 weeks ago) regarding Women's Rugby in the UK. The "trans" men are slamming the women so hard that they're breaking their bones. Players and referees are quitting over this, because they can't say anything.

    Now, meanwhile, regarding the cyclist, I read somewhere (not here) that oftentimes these "trans" men are actually quite mediocre athletes when up against other men.

    Must make 'em feel really good to go out and beat a bunch of women, then.

  4. TLM, I read that story about rugby referees refusing to work games in which males are playing women and really hurting them. I think I remember one about an American wrestling referee who refuses to do matches in which female wrestlers can get badly hurt by male opponents.

    If these men are mediocre athletes, there are lots of other fields in which they could excel. If my girls were still young, I wouldn't be encouraging them to do sports. Think of those girls in Connecticut, who have worked up to the top levels in high school track events, only to be surpassed by boys and passed over for scholarships.

  5. Read your update, Chris. That man pretending to be a woman is really a creep. Does he think being a woman includes being a bitch?
