Thursday, October 10, 2019


I'll explain this to you once you understand why you got Trump in the first place.

I'll start you off.  Remember 2008?  That was the year that Professional ConservatismTM finally seized control of the Republican Party back from the Bible Thumpers who gave us Reagan and W.  That year, the big-time GOP selected John its presidential candidate.

McCain lost, of course, but he was running against the Black Guy who kind of had to win.  So no real surprise there.  The fact that this country's "news media" then spent the next eight years reverently kissing Obama's genitals was also not a surprise.

Which meant that the GOP's not even remotely "conservative" candidate for 2012, Mitt Romney, never stood a chance, no matter how "conservative" the GOP assured us he was.  I really don't like quoting myself but I'm going to anyway.

But if you run John McCain for president and then follow him up with Mitt Romney, it doesn't seem like actually winning the presidency is a high priority with you.

That's where Trump comes from, Bob.  The idea of actually getting things done.  The idea of winning once in a damned while.

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