Thursday, October 10, 2019


How old am I?  I can remember when St. Louis had an NBA team, the Hawks (the ones currently playing in Atlanta).  Late 50's (when they won a title from the Boston Celtics), early 60's, they owned this town in the winter/spring period.

Why'd the Hawks lose it?  It pains and embarrasses me to admit this but, well...racism.  When the heroes of the Hawks, white guys like Bob Pettit, Cliff Hagan and Ed Macauley, began retiring, they were replaced by players with dark brown skins. 

Right about then, the Blues got started.  A winter sport without a black face to be seen.

Do the math.

I always wanted another pro basketball team back here.  They tried it in the 70's with the ABA's Spirits of St. Louis but despite the fact that the Spirits had the coolest uniforms in the history of all professional sports everywhere for all time and the fact that they gave Bob Costas his start straight out of the 'Cuse, it didn't work.

Also, the people running the Spirits were idiots but that's an entirely different story.

I'd still love to see a professional basketball team in St. Louis but I think this area is probably too small for another winter/spring big league pro team (unless the owner of that team doesn't mind losing a TON of money).  But to be quite honest, after reading what's been going on with it over the last several days, I don't care if the NBA ever comes back here.

The Portland Trail Blazers announced that they have severed relations with a company that does business with Israel following a pressure campaign by activists tied to the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement.

As the NBA is facing outrage after the general manager of the Houston Rockets capitulated to censorship by the Chinese communist government, the Trail Blazers quietly severed ties with the manufacturer Leupold, which has a contract to produce accessories for the Israeli Defense Forces.

Trail Blazers president and CEO Chris McGowan recently announced the decision to bow to pressure from BDS activists, telling a reporter for the Bleacher Report that "Leupold is no longer a part of the organization."

Yeah, great.  Take orders from the world's premier authoritarian nation and piss all over the Jews.  Count me in, bitches.

On second thought, go to hell.

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