Wednesday, October 9, 2019


I don't know if the following is true but good golly Miss Molly, it's fun to think about.


  1. What a great Halloween this will be! Brexit, and the UN bankrupt.

  2. It's the perfect time then for the U.N. to vamoose from their headquarters in the U.S. And it's also the perfect time for the United States to exit membership in the U.N.

  3. Were Trump to bring that off, he'd win four more years. Easy.

  4. @Christopher: Wouldn't that be sweet?

  5. We can be members of the specialized agencies like the World Health Organization without being members of the United Nations. Let's do this. (While we're at it, we can pull the plug on some of the specialized agencies; let's sink UNESCO).

  6. I'm in, Art. Let's cut this abomination WAY back.

  7. They could save money by moving headquarters to Dar El Salaam or someplace equally frugal. Say, Peoria or Harare. We could visit.

  8. Put it in Canada. Munch-ree-awl or Tronno. Or Winnipeg or Vancoover or some such place. Not actually in this country but close enough to drive there if we ever felt like visiting.

  9. Apparently this is part of the usual UN budget dance which is performed at this time of year, every year. We can hope at least that the US won't pay the whole bill.

  10. If that's true then I guess we can hope for Trump to insist on certain things from Turtle Bay that Turtle Bay's not willing to give the US. And we can watch this play out for a few more months or a year or something.

  11. We've already cut their budget, which is part of what they're whining about. We'll see how this goes.

  12. Maybe at some point, our country can finally outgrow this Wilsonian/Rooseveltian bullshit.
